
check.gif (9663 bytes)
(9663 bytes)

backcan1.gif (5024 bytes)
(5024 bytes)

canback.gif (2631 bytes)
(2631 bytes)

leaf57.gif (3754 bytes)
leaf57.gif (3754 bytes)

pprflg_wpcon.gif (6969 bytes)
(6969 bytes)

dark_flag.gif (7744 bytes)
(7744 bytes)

kicksass.gif (1443 bytes)
(1443 bytes)

cdback.gif (5682 bytes)
cdback.gif (5682 bytes)

tile.gif (3161 bytes)
tile.gif (3161 bytes)

back1_wp.GIF (1036 bytes)back2_wp.gif (2765 bytes)back3_wp.gif (3332 bytes)
(1000 bytes) (2000 bytes) (3000 bytes)



A red column background with maple leafs, too wide for preview on page. Version  1 , 2

bgrnd_leaf.gif (3514 bytes) bgrnd_leaf_green.gif (3385 bytes) bgrnd_leaf_red.gif (5170 bytes)
bgrnd_leaf_white.gif (4376 bytes) bgrnd_leaf_grey.gif (5983 bytes) bgrnd_leaf_darkgrey.gif (5938 bytes)

All images about 6000 bytes

This collection is actually one of the most popular on my
site and it is also on of several images created by me.
See some more images created by me

bgrnd_leaf_blue.gif (5120 bytes)
Canada Maple Leaf Canada Geese Elk

The three graphics above are from Pat's Web Graphics, credit them if you use their images.


Canadian Symbols Canadian Flag: Static, Animated (1 or 2) - Maple Leaf: Static (1 or 2), Animated - Coat of ArmsOther
Provincial  Provincial Flag: Static, Animated (1 or 2) - Coat of Arms - Maps
Animated  Canadian Flag  (1 or 2), Provincial Flag (1 or 2), Maple Leaf
Web Design  General - BackgroundsButtons - Proud Canadian
Miscellaneous Midi's - Proud Canadian - Other - FAQ Directories - Discussion Forums - Banner X-Change - Canadian Site Promotion - Graphics - Bookstore


Page by Wade Penner of WP Consulting Web Design

If you have any questions or  comments please read my FAQ
If your question is not answer there send an email to canflag at 

A link to back to this site is not necessary but would be appreciated. Click here for linking banners and buttons. Help me spread the flag.

Last Updated
November 02, 2002

Copyright information - all images are believed to be public domain, if you know of any image on this site isn't allowed by copyright or terms of use, please notify me. Anyone who uses image(s) from this site must agree to remove any image on my or the creators request if it violates copyright or the images terms of use. Even though you may use the image on your site the original author still has copyright to the image, there for you may not claim any image as your creation. Images cannot be sold, all images must remain free of charge. Contact me for any additional copyright info. The page text and design is copyright of me, copying of this is strictly prohibited. Be sure to read the bottom of each page for additional copyright info, info may change on page to page. Use the images at your own risk. I am not responsible if you use any copyrighted images on your page and get into legal problem. Also I am not responsible if any copyrighted image on this page is used on other pages, it is there responsibility, they should be aware of the risk and have full responsibilities.